When Do You Select A Major For College?

When completing college applications as a senior, you are asked to select a major. When do you start looking at future majors?
Here are 5 ideas to guide you.
1. Start early. It's never too early or too late to start exploring your interests and connecting them to majors or careers.
2. Learn about yourself. Take advantage of career surveys, interest inventories or other questionnaires or resources available to you. The more you understand yourself, the better prepared you are for next steps.
3. Research. Use the Internet and other research tools available to you to explore what majors are needed for careers you are interested in. Taking classes in subjects required for a major or profession helps you learn more too.
4. Try it on. Arrange to do a job shadow or to interview someone in careers you are interested in.
5. Make a short list. Once you have done your research and talked to people in professions, narrow your list of majors to pursue. Often there are many majors you can select from to get to a chosen career or area of interest.
Ode to the Undeclared Major
One of the most popular majors at universities is the "undeclared" major. Most universities or colleges recognize you may not be ready to declare a major when you start as a freshman. At these schools, you do not have to declare your major until at the end of your sophomore year. There are a few universities that don't offer "undeclared" as an option. You will know which colleges require majors from their websites and applications.
Clark College Consulting Tip:
Take the Find My Spark survey in GuidedPath. Use it to learn more about your personality and preferences. Use list of majors or careers to explore professions in the Occupational Outlook Handbook.