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Underclassmen Mid-Year Checklist

college visits high school counselor job shadow psat recommendations summer programs testing schedule

Welcome back from winter break!  Now is the time to review your MID YEAR CHECKLIST. January is a great time to get organized and jump-start your college search.  

1. Meet with your high school counselor 

  • Review your PSAT scores with counselor and parents (if you took it in the fall) 
  • Ask for recommendations for summer programs 
  • Schedule next year’s courses 
  • Schedule your standardized tests for spring 
  • Discuss any school based standardized testing (AP, IB, other) 

2. Gear up for next year 

  • Explore summer programs 
  • Prepare for spring standardized tests using PSAT test scores as a guide 
  • Ask teachers about their recommendation policies (for summer programs, scholarships, or college applications) 
  • Job shadow or intern to learn more about potential careers 
  • Plan college visits

Take Action 

  • Take or review the Course Plan Survey to verify your next year course schedule will fulfill your graduation requirements 
  • Add your Spring testing schedule to GuidedPath in order to get registration and test reminders