The College Unraveled Blog

Private vs. Public College: Which Is the Better Option? private colleges private universities public colleges public universities

Trying to decide what kind of college to attend is one of the most difficult decisions you'll make in your academic career. Private colleges, public colleges, and even community colleges offer a wide array of services that can appeal to prospective students of all backgrounds.

As any good college...

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Merit Awards Make Private Colleges Affordable financial aid private colleges scholarships

While the Ivies and other elite schools put their resources into need-based rather than merit aid, a majority of private colleges, in an effort to attract top students, award substantial scholarships or grants based on merit.

Merit scholarships are beneficial in attracting students whose...

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Size Does Matter- College Undergraduate Size college fit college search college selection college size large colleges learning style observant learner participant learner picking colleges private colleges state colleges total size undergraduate size

As you explore which colleges are the right match for you, consider the size of the student body. How many undergraduates attend the college? This can make a big difference in your experience on a college campus. Think of college sizes in these four categories (based on...

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Top 5 Myths about Paying for College college money myths financial aid financial aid myths in-state college money for college out of pocket college cost out-of-state college outside scholarships private colleges public colleges

Don’t fall victim to these myths! 

1 My family makes too much money to qualify for financial aid.  
This is one of the biggest myths out there. You may not qualify for aid at one school, and qualify for lots of money at another school (see blog - How Do...

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