Money for college

Money should never stop anyone from attending college! Yes, college can be expensive, but there are resources available to help you and your family pay for college. Major sources of financial aid for college include:
Grants are “gifts” from the government and from individual colleges that reduce the cost of college. Grants are awarded based on your family’s financial situation. Colleges are the largest source of grants for college. The Federal Government and some state governments also offer grants to help students from lower-income families pay for college costs. Grants do not have to be paid back or earned. Grants may be renewed every year you attend college, although if your family’s financial situation changes, the amount you receive may also change.
Merit scholarships
Merit scholarships are offered by many colleges and private organizations. Scholarships are similar to grants in that they are a gift; you don’t have to repay them. Merit scholarships can be awarded for many reasons, including your grades, test scores, extracurricular activities, intended career or college major, and in some cases, your family’s financial situation. Some merit scholarships are only good for your first year of college; others may be renewed every year you attend college.
Federal work-study
Work-study is a program that allows students to earn money for college expenses by working in an on-campus job while they attend school. Usually, a work-study job will help you pay for books and other personal expenses, but not tuition or your living expenses. Work study jobs often have flexible hours that make attending classes easy. Work-study jobs can also be a great way to start building a resume. Work study does not have to be paid back, but you don’t receive it until you begin working.
Federal student loans
The Federal government offers low-cost student loans to help students and parents pay for college expenses. When used wisely, Federal student loans can be a good way to finance some college costs. Federal student loans have low-interest rates, and in most cases, you won’t have to start paying them back until you graduate (if you leave college without graduating, however, you will still be required to pay the loans back).
Important tip:
Every college is required by the Federal government to give your family an estimate of the amount of financial aid you’ll be eligible to receive before you even apply. The estimate can help you compare colleges and make sure your college list will be financially feasible. To get the estimate, go to each college’s website and look for the Net Price Calculator; this is usually located in the financial aid section of college websites. If you can’t find it, just enter “Net Price Calculator” on the website’s search tool.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska: